5 year Warranty
5-7% more honey
Bees just LOVE us
Our Plastic Semi-build foundations
- Time and labour-saving — no wiring frames as for wax foundations.
- Harvesting beeswax as a pure additional income for the beekeeper.
- Wax moth would not settle on the plastic foundations.
- Antibiotics or any harmful chemical substances would not penetrate in the plastic foundations.
- Stabile during extraction
- Easy replacement of the wax from the foundation — at lower temperatures when the wax is brittle it can be scraped off quickly with a plastic spatula.
- Bees would not chew out it when flows stop, as they do with wax foundations.
- The plastic foundations would not sag in warm temperatures or break during honey extraction.
Honeycomb systems
- Easy to install.
- No need for wax foundation.
- Higher value of the bee product.
- Preferable price of the system package.
- The honey the boxes contain is one hundred percent natural and organic.
Honeycomb “untouched by human hands”!