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 How to use Queen rearing system with 32 holes

Queen rearing system with 32 holes a few steps and recommendations on how to use it.

  • Drill two holes with diameter of 3 mm on the top side of the cassette. They are necessary for the attachment of the cassette on the frame with screws.

  • Mount the cassette in a frame that has been used for raising bee brood. Prepare the cell starter cups covering them with thin layer /0.1-0.2mm/ of wax. Put the cell starter cups on the back side of the cassette with slight pressure. Spread honey on the front side of the cassette. You can also put the queen excluder, but do not put the stopper on the hole for the queen. The queen excluder has to be orientated that way that the hole for letting in the queen in the cassette has to be in the upper left side (as it was assembled before starting work with it).The cassette has to be in the hive for several days during which time the bees will polish the cups.

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Queen rearing system with 32 holes

  • First day 
    Find the queen and put it in the cassette,  after which you put the stopper in the hole. Do not clean the cups from nectar or honey. The bees will prepare the territory for the queen. Leave the queen for 24 hours (if necessary even longer). If at that period of  time there is a lot of nectar from the plants,  do not be in a hurry to let out the queen, because there is great possibility the bees to clean the eggs.
  • Second day  (after 24 hours) Release the queen.

Until this moment, the breeding colony has to be already prepared. It has to be strong with frames with honey, pollen and uncapped brood.

  • Fourth day 

7-8 hours before starting the replacement, the queen has to be removed from the breeding family and also one frame to be taken out from the hive in order on its place to put the frame with the holders.

queen rearing Replacement Queen rearing system: The weather should be warm and not windy. It is a necessary condition to keep the larvae alive.

WORK QUICKLY, BUT CAREFULLY. Take out the frame with the cassette and remove the bees. Wrap the frame in a warm and wet towel. Remove one by one the cell starter cups with the help of the cell cup holder in order to check up the larvae. If they are crescent- shaped and dull white, they are considered ready. Put the cell cup holders with the cell starter cups on a frame prepared with attached cell bar holders. The optimal quantity is up to 16-20.Start intensive feeding of the colony with sugar syrup.

On the 14th day, prepare the adopting colonies.

This instruction is general. Many factors have strong effect on the queen rearing process. The choice and match of optimal conditions depend on the practice and the skills of the beekeeper.

These instructions are for our queen rearing system. The 32-holes model is similar to Nicot Queen rearing system, which is popular and used from the beekeepers around the world. It is produced in Bulgaria and has been offered and sold for years with successful result. We named this model QRS 32.We also offer another model queen rearing system with 60 holes which is similar to Jenter queen rearing system famous among beekeepers around the world. We named this model QRS 60.

Both models are manufactured by our company in Bulgaria, Europe and we are responsible for their quality and not for a replica of our product from another manufacturer.

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You can order from here other queen rearing elements:



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